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NASA's Mars Earthquake Detection has one thing to prove.

Date:2019-04-25 Hits:1487

According to foreign media reports, NASA's InSight probe, which has been operating on the surface of Mars since November last year, has just detected the first possible earthquake on Mars. This is the first major advance in the probe's ongoing mission to detect sound inside Mars. Unfortunately, the so-called "marsquake" is too weak to help scientists understand more about the structure of Mars.

But one thing that can be proven is that Mars is an earthquake-active planet, and Perception may catch more earthquakes in the future.

Insight landed on Mars

Man's exploration of space has never stopped, especially for Mars, the "next-door" Mars. Mask, CEO of SpaceX, also proposed the "Mars Project" to send man to Mars. Although immigration to Mars may not be possible someday, there is a "recruit" who has just brought "your name" to the red planet to leave your "Mars name"!

In the early morning of November 27, 2018, nearly seven months after its flight, NASA's InSight probe successfully landed on Mars, carrying microchips with the names of more than 2 million space fans, of whom at least 200,000 came from China.

"Insight" Mars Exploration will achieve two major scientific objectives

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As the first Mars probe to study the interior of Mars, Insight will use a highly sensitive seismometer to "pulse" Mars. Qian Hang said that the detection of a single seismograph is bound to have limitations, and the installation location of the seismograph will seriously affect the detection results. The four lunar seismographs installed in the Apollo lunar landing mission in the United States are very close to each other, which makes it difficult to detect lunar earthquakes on the far side of the moon. In 1976, the American Mars landers Pirate I and Pirate II also carried seismic detectors when they first landed on Mars, but for many reasons, they did not return much effective information. Although the performance of these instruments is not outstanding, they are pioneers in the construction of future Mars seismic exploration network, which lays a foundation for exploring the inner structure and formation process of terrestrial planets in the solar system. With more sensitive seismographs and high-resolution images of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to help locate the source, the Discovery is expected to perform better.

Similar to the Mars Seismology, NASA has some mission experience in detecting heat flow in the interior of the planet. Apollo missions 13, 15, 16 and 17 all carry heat flow detectors. Apollo 15 and 17 successfully installed heat flow detectors on the moon. However, due to the incorrect estimation of the hardness of the lunar weathered rocks, the final probe did not drill into the planned depth. So the weathering layer thickness and rock hardness of the landing area are fully considered in the landing site selection of the mission, so that the detector can drill 5 meters deep.

Because most of the missions need to be fixed in the same place for a long time, Insight is located in a relatively flat area in the northern equator of Mars, where it is expected to carry out a series of missions for about two years.

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